Maryville University provides an online transcript ordering system and an eTranscript delivery option. Current students and alumni can request transcripts online.
The academic calendar will give you specific times and dates for the Add/Drop period. Visit the catalog to get more information about the Add/Drop timeline.
Maryville is unique in its commitment to integrate liberal learning with professional learning by providing innovative and interactive programs with, and for, the business, education, health care, cultural and arts communities it serves. Check out our course descriptions here.
Maryville University’s detailed course schedule is published online before the upcoming registration period. Students can access information about available courses by visiting the Self-Service Course Catalog. In some cases, a life coach/adviser’s approval is required to register for classes. Students should contact their life coach/adviser prior to the registration period to schedule an advising appointment. Life coaches/advisers assist in course selection and guide students in satisfying specific degree requirements as efficiently as possible.
Many students can register online through Self-Service. Assistance with registration is always available by contacting the Solution Squad or your life coach/adviser.
Click here to find more information on transcript requests.
Do I have to pay a transcript request fee?
Please also view information about access to digital diplomas here.
No. However, students who have “holds” on their accounts will not be able to register for future classes.
Go to to view the academic calendar.
In some cases, a life coach/adviser’s approval is required to register for classes. Students should contact their life coach/adviser prior to the registration period to schedule an advising appointment. Life coaches/advisers assist in course selection and guide students in satisfying specific degree requirements as efficiently as possible.
Once Maryville receives your official transcripts, we will work to post your credits as soon as possible. Our goal is to evaluate and post all applicable transfer credit within 14 business days. You can check the status of your transfer credit by viewing either your unofficial transcript or My Progress page in Student Planning. Please remember that in order to receive credit, courses must meet certain criteria. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us by phone at (314) 529-9360 or by email at, or contact your Life Coach.
Go to to view the academic calendar for general registration time frames. Students can see the specific registration date and time at which they can begin registering for an upcoming semester in Self-Service Student Planning.
Upon the conclusion of a semester, it takes at least two weeks to process final grades and confirm degrees. Once your degree is awarded, Maryville can verify your degree and it will appear on your transcript. Diplomas are subsequently mailed, so in all generally take about 6-8 weeks after the end of the semester to arrive. Please ensure all holds are resolved in order for your diploma to be released. Please also view information about access to digital diplomas here.
A registration hold is typically placed on a student’s account because the student has a past due balance. Students will not be able to register for future courses until the balance is resolved in full. For more information regarding the individual account, contact us at (314) 529-9360,, or by stopping by the Visitor Center in Gander Hall.